Bulk aseptic diced tomatoes shall be processed from mature, whole red tomatoes that have been peeled and diced in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practices.
Size & Specifications
55 Gallon Aseptic Bag in Drum
(Steel or Fiber)
Net Weight 475 lbs. +/- 5 lbs.; 11.0 Cubic Feet
300 Gallon Aseptic Bag in Bin
Net Weight 2,600 lbs. +/- 15 lbs.; 52.86 Cubic Feet
3/8", 1/2", 3/4" and 1" Cube
USDA Grade B Standards
Calcium Chloride
600 to 900 ppm
3.9 +/- 0.2
Tomato red / no vivid green
Per customer specifications
Drain Weight
USDA Grade B Standards
0 per 10 grams
Mold Count
(USDA-Howard Mold Count)
Per customer specifications
Fly eggs, worms, insect fragments
Not to exceed USDA tolerance
I have worked with One Source Food Solutions for over 25 years; they are very professional and knowledgeable! Everyone in their organization is so helpful and responsive and works hard to get answers to questions and resolve issues. They take care of all of the behind-the-scenes details. I love working with OSFS!!