31% NTSS
Bulk Aseptic Tomato Paste shall be processed from the liquid obtained from mature, whole red tomatoes that contains no additives, and is produced in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices. The raw material shall conform in every respect to the provision of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and any regulations promulgated thereunder.
Size & Specifications
55 Gallon Aseptic Bag in Drum
(Steel or Fiber)
Net Weight 535 lbs. +/- 5 lbs.; 11.0 Cubic Feet
300 Gallon Aseptic Bag in Bin
Net Weight 2,870 lbs. +/- 30 lbs.; 52.86 Cubic Feet
Natural Tomato Soluble Solids at 20°C
31% +/- 0.5%
3.0 - 7.5 cm at time of pack
(Hunter Lab Colorimeter)
45 to 50 Points, Grade A
4.3 +/- 0.2
(To customer specifications)
.027, .033, .045, .060, .078, .090
USDA Grade A
Specific Gravity
1.1466 (9.55 lb/gal)
<10 CFU/gm
Mold Count
(USDA-Howard Mold Count)
40% acceptance level
Fly eggs, worms, insect fragments
Not to exceed USDA tolerance
Tomato Tip
NTSS Stands for Natural Tomato Soluble Solids. This represents the total dissolvable solids present in tomato concentrates.

THANK YOU! This team is exceptional. I write to suppliers all day long asking for information and have done so for years throughout my career, but honestly One Source are the first people who have ever sent me a complete packet of information with all requested documents attached that are not only labeled clearly, but that are also dated within the last year. Thank you so very much! It’s the simple things that make our jobs easy, but it’s working with people like you that is truly a blessing!